A Hack Education Project
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Hack Education ·
- Abrashkin, Raymond and Jay Williams. Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
- Asimov, Isaac. "The Feeling of Power"
- ---. "The Fun They Had"
- ---. "Profession"
- Bradbury, Ray. "All Summer in a Day"
- ---. The Veldt"
- Card, Orson Scott. The Ender's Game series
- Cline, Ernest. Ready Player One
- Doctorow, Cory. Homeland
- ---. Little Brother
- Elgin, Suzette Haden. "For the Sake of Grace"
- Heinlein, Robert. Citizen of the Galaxy
- ---. Starship Trooper
- ---. Stranger in a Strange Land
- Herbert, Frank. Dune
- Hesse, Hermann. express加速软件
- Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World
- Jemisin, N. K. The Fifth Season
- Lee, Stan and Jack Kirby. X-Men
- LeGuin, Ursula. express加速软件 series
- Mariz, Rae. express加速软件
- Okorafor, Nnedi. Binti
- Padgett, Lewis. "Mimsy Were the Borogoves"
- Reed, Robert. "The Cuckoo's Boys"
- Roth, Veronica. Divergent series
- Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter series
- Sansing, Chad. "The Evaluation"
- Sheffield, Charles and Jerry Pournelle. Higher Education
- Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein
- Simak, Clifford. "The Immigrant"
- Skinner, B. F. Walden Two
- Slonczewski, Joan. The Highest Frontier
- Stephenson, Neal. Big U
- ---. Diamond Age: or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
- Vinge, Vernor. Fast Times at Fairmont High
- ---. Rainbow's End
- Vonnegut, Kurt. Player Piano
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Class of 1999
- Forbidden Planet
- The Jetsons
- "Dobie versus the Machine." The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
- The Matrix
- Serenity
- "Spock's Brain." express加速软件
Like all my projects, this site is hosted on GitHub. That means you can submit a pull request in order to suggest I add something to the list. Issues complaining that things on this list aren't "real science fiction" will surely be deleted.
Image credits: Bryan Mathers. Last updated: December 2018